You are Unique
You are unique. There is nobody like you, there never was and there never will be. In fact you are YOUnique!
You are a unique, magnificent, individualised manifestation of Universal Consciousness. No one can compare to you.
I know it’s not easy to hear, let alone accept, these words – they probably feel strange to you, make you feel uncomfortable, bring up a lot of resistance even. Maybe you are thinking “…Yea, right! They must be referring to someone else, because they can’t be referring to me. Unique? Who me? Hell no! That’s stuff for the great and famous, not me – small, insignificant, invisible me”.
Well, even Science confirms it
Well, let me tell you that even science confirms that you are unique – each person’s genome is a unique combination of DNA sequences, so your DNA is like no other person’s DNA; it is completely unique, just like your fingerprints and your signature! Nobody thinks like you; communicates, or feels like you. Nobody perceives, imagines, or dreams like you. Nobody laughs, cries, hurts or loves like you do. Nobody has your story, has made your journey, has had your experience, has your purpose in this life. Each and every one of these things is unique to you. They are YOUnique.
Yes, I know it is hard to perceive the beauty of our uniqueness, or even accept the thought of it, because we have grown up in a world of boxes created by people who, in order to feel powerful and in control, have to keep others down. We are taught that if we don’t fit into these boxes, then we are bad and stupid, ugly and ignorant, selfish and arrogant, dishonest and hurtful; we are worthless and of no use. As a result, we try to conform and be what others tell us we should be, we must be, we have to be.
We con-form
To con-form means to make something similar to something else – same form, same shape, same size. It means to live in boxes created by others and to act in accordance to the rules, beliefs, standards, expectations, traditions, creed, culture, education, the family, the spouse, mainstream thought….phew, what a lot of other people’s stuff! And in our desperation to be seen and heard, to be accepted and acknowledged, we do everything we can to con-form and fit ourselves into these boxes. We are rewarded for doing what we are told to do, punished when we don’t comply.
In reality, what we really do, is silence our voices, quash our spirits, extinguish our lights. Disconnected from ourselves, we lose ourselves, we disown our uniqueness. We become fragmented and feel separated from everyone and everything. Failing to remember who we truly are, we have forgotten why we came here, we have forgotten our purpose.
Self-love and self-acceptance
The key to freedom and our true power is self-acceptance and self-love. Yes, SELF-acceptance and SELF-love. Loving and accepting all of who we are, every single part of us, without exception. Loving and accepting all the fears, all the flaws, all the quirks, all the moods, all the wounds. Loving and accepting all of our strengths and all of our challenges. Loving and accepting all of our light and all of our darkness.
When we love and accept each part of us, we start taking responsibility for ourselves. With self-responsibility, we are able to acknowledge ourselves as individuals and start to be aware of and overcome all those unconscious habits that allowed others to define us. By defining ourselves, our uniqueness begins to unfold; our soul unfolds; our true destiny unfolds.
No matter how you feel in this moment and no matter what crazy things your ego is shouting at you in this moment – shout at the top of your voice STOP! Enough is enough!
Now, right now, take 3 deep conscious breathes.
Now tell yourself that from now on, you are going to accept who you truly are, love who you truly are, own who you truly are – flaws and all – and stand in your true power. Embrace your YOUniqueness and shine your beautiful light out into this world as only you can!
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