by Fiona Elizabeth Campbell | Apr 26, 2019 | Uniqueness
You are Unique You are unique. There is nobody like you, there never was and there never will be. In fact you are YOUnique! You are a unique, magnificent, individualised manifestation of Universal Consciousness. No one can compare to you. I know it’s not easy...
by Fiona Elizabeth Campbell | Apr 15, 2019 | Awareness
Our personal vibration You know, I used to read so often that ‘all of life is energy’ and on a soul level I knew it was true. But living my life day by day, I just didn’t get it; I couldn’t grasp it intellectually. Living life more consciously and being present...
by Fiona Elizabeth Campbell | Apr 2, 2019 | Awareness
You are working you; you are not being you Being has nothing to do with work. If you are experiencing overwhelm, tiredness and stress, you are up in your head and over working. You are working you; you are not being you. Being just is – being is presence – being...
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