Mother Nature is a Powerful Teacher of Self-love



With all her boundless beauty, and timeless wisdom, Mother Nature is a powerful teacher of self-love for all who are willing to listen. The lessons that she whispers to us through the natural rhythms and cycles of life, offer us a blueprint for learning how to live in harmony with ourselves, with each other, and the world around us.


Nature communicates through the rustle of leaves, the flow of rivers, and the joyful chorus of all the wildlife. Each whisper is a lesson in harmony, balance, and coexistence. To truly hear her messages, we need to take the time to slow down, observe, and listen very carefully. It is in this quiet, sacred communion that we discover her wisdom, guiding us towards a life of deeper meaning, fulfilment and love.


Mother Nature teaches us to embrace our wholeness with kindness and compassion, self-care and appreciation that extend beyond mere survival. Consider the way a tree stretches its branches towards the sun, unabashedly seeking the light it needs to thrive. This act is a powerful metaphor for acknowledging our needs, reaching out for what nourishes our soul, and giving ourselves permission to pursue what makes us feel alive and fulfilled.


The diversity in nature—from the vast array of colours in a meadow full of wildflowers to the countless forms of life in a coral reef—celebrates uniqueness and the beauty of being different. This diversity is a testament to the fact that there is no single way to be beautiful or to live life. Embracing our own uniqueness, differences, quirks, and imperfections with love and acceptance is the most profound lesson of self-love that we can learn from nature.


One Day I Hit Rock Bottom



A few years ago, I hit rock bottom, after years of feeling hopeless, useless and overwhelmed, and I collapsed totally broken on a bench in my local park. I could never have imagined how much that moment would change my life.


The turning point came one seemingly ordinary morning when I woke up with three plain words swimming round and round in my head-BE – ONE – NOW – yet, in all their simplicity, I could not understand what they meant. Suddenly, I heard a gentle yet firm voice say ‘…Just STOP. Stop NOW!’. I got up. I walked to the park with my dog, and I took over a bench. On that day, I just knew that ‘enough, was enough’ and I could no longer continue as I was. I listened to that voice, and I stopped! I stopped fighting. I stopped resisting. I stopped reading. I stopped listening – to others and, above all, I stopped listening to the destructive, constant monologue in my head.


Day after day, week after week, I just sat on that bench for hours and I just breathed consciously and, like a crazy woman, I constantly shouted ‘STOP’ at that voice in my head! I just sat and observed the trees and the flowers, through rain and sunshine and wind, in the cold and in the heat, and I thought about those three words and their meanings. I cried, I journaled, I wrote poetry, I let go. I cried some more and even some more.


Sitting day after day in, what I now call my ‘magical park’, just observing and allowing Mother Nature to be my teacher, the wonderful trees around me – those Keepers of the wISdom of Life – taught me how to BE; they guided and nurtured me, they imparted their wisdom and awoke me to who I truly was. I finally understood the power of those three simple words and my healing began.


Mother Nature not only offers us a sanctuary, but she also guides those willing to listen to her subtle whispers of love. Her precious lessons hold the key to not just surviving but thriving in harmony with nature. With this blog post, I wanted to share with you a few of her timeless teachings that she so lovingly gifts us.




The Art of Resilience



My bench was surrounded by poplar trees and these beautiful, majestic trees became my first mentors. Poplars are incredibly tall, growing anywhere between 80 to 150 feet high and have roots that stretch deep down into the earth as far as two or three times their height. These majestic, towering beauties revealed to me the true meaning of having roots and standing strong.


Observing these trees in wonder each day, I saw that no matter what the weather was like, sunny, rain, gentle breeze, hurricane winds, whether the temperatures were high or low, they would just joyfully shimmer and sway and bend in their delight to be alive. They knew no fear and would just dance to the rhythms of life. Like all of nature, they live in the now; they don’t look to the past or the future that are the sources of all our fears, worries and anxieties. They live in the NOW, they celebrate the present, and they teach us the Is-ness of life.


Poplars speak of resilience, overcoming, and going with the flow; they speak of growth and connection and union. They transmitted to me a sense of wonder and such a blissful connection to the divine that I had never experienced before. They taught me that if I created deep, solid roots, no matter what happened in my life, I could sway, and swirl, and twist, and bend but I would no longer fall.


You know, resilience in nature is not just about survival; it’s about thriving against the odds. The resilience of a desert bloom, the hardiness of the mountain flowers, all teach us about the beauty and strength even in harsh conditions, reminding us that even in the most challenging times, there is always potential for transformation, growth and bloom.


The seasonal changes that prompt animals to migrate, hibernate, or adapt in innovative ways shows us the importance of listening to our own natural rhythms and adapting to life’s changes. This teaches us resilience on a personal level—honouring our space and our pace, understanding our cycles of energy and rest, and creatively adapting to our own environment.



The Practice of Letting Go



Mother Nature is the Goddess of transformation, moving on cycles of birth, growth, decay, and rebirth, constantly in a state of flux and renewal. The autumn leaves that fall and decompose, nourishing and enriching the soil, are lessons in the beauty and importance of letting go. These cycles teach us that there are times for holding on and times for releasing, and that letting go of what no longer serves us, constantly leads us to new growth and opportunities.


The way rivers flow, effortlessly adapting to the contours of the land, offers us a lesson in releasing control and just allowing ourselves to go with the flow of life. It teaches us to trust the journey, even when it takes unexpected turns, and to find peace in the movement towards something new and unknown.



The Beauty of Simplicity



Amidst all the complexity of nature, there is an underlying simplicity. A flower does not strive to be anything other than itself, blooming effortlessly into existence. This simplicity is a reminder for us to let go of what is unnecessary in our lives, to find joy and ease in the present, and see the beauty in the ordinary. It teaches us that happiness does not come from constantly accumulating and collecting, but in appreciating the simple things in life.



Interconnection and Diversity



Every forest, every meadow, and every coral reef is a complex, interconnected ecosystem where every single organism has an essential and unique role that contributes to the greater whole. The seamless, harmonious cooperation among each of these organisms shows us the power of community and interdependence. They teach us the importance of working together and supporting each other to work towards and reach our common goals; recognizing that our strengths lie in our diversity and the unique contributions that each and every one of us can make towards a higher purpose.



Lessons of Self-Love from Mother Nature



There is a profound lesson on self-love that unfolds in the quiet moments of connection with nature. Nature, in its infinite variety and beauty, never judges itself. A rose does not envy the scent of a lily, nor does the oak tree wish to be anything other than what it is. Every element of the natural world exists in a state of perfect acceptance, fully embodying the essence of being true to itself.


This unconditional acceptance is Mother Nature’s gentle reminder of the importance of self-love. Just as every creature and plant is unique and vital to the tapestry of life, so are we. By observing nature, we learn to appreciate our own uniqueness and the beauty and importance of our own personal journey.


Nature teaches us that just as a flower does not bloom all year round, it is also important for us to have periods of growth and periods of quiescence. We need to be kind, patience and accepting towards ourselves, knowing that our worth does not depend on external validation or productivity. Mother Nature nurtures all forms of life without discrimination, providing sunlight and rain to all beings under her wings. This unconditional support and love is a lesson in nurturing our own needs and well-being. 


In the quietness of nature, we are able to find a loving space for reflection and connection to our inner selves. It is in this space that we can hear our own needs and desires more clearly, away from the noise of societal expectations and demands. Nature’s solace offers us a sanctuary for self-love and self-discovery, encouraging us to embrace our authentic selves.



Integrating Mother Nature’s Lessons into Daily Life



Integrating Mother Nature’s lessons of self-love, resilience and letting go into our daily lives involves mindful observation and reflection on nature and our place within it. It means taking the time to connect with nature, whether through walks in the park, tending our garden, or simply observing the changing seasons as we move around. It’s about bringing the qualities of self-love, acceptance, mindfulness and flexibility into our self-perception, interactions, and decisions.


If you are feeling broken, go into nature every day – even just for 5 minutes – and allow yourself to be embraced and nurtured. Connect and listen to the sacred teachings of the trees. Truly experience the earth, the grass, the sand, the water beneath your feet. Allow the sun, rain, wind, snow to caress your skin. Breathe in the air and the scents of nature and listen with joy to the sounds and rhythms of her music. Behold and acknowledge all the wonderful gifts she births for us every day. Feel how she activates your body and reconnects you back to your true self. Allow her to expand and fill your heart with all the love that you truly are.



Final Thoughts



Embodying these lessons, aligning ourselves more closely with the rhythms of Mother Nature, we create a more balanced, harmonious, and fulfilling life for ourselves and those around us. Mother Nature, with her timeless wisdom and whisperings, lovingly inspires us and guides us towards a deeper understanding of ourselves, our purpose and our connection to the world around us, teaching us to navigate life with grace, compassion, strength, and above all, love.


When we are disconnected from nature, we are disconnected from our core; indeed, we are disconnected from life itself. When we are feeling broken, confused, stuck, in pain, we just need to go into nature and breathe deeply with her. She listens, she soothes, she comforts, she uplifts, and she gently and patiently guides us back to who we truly are.



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As a teacher of Self-love, Beingness, and the power of I AM, Fiona Elizabeth blends her expertise as a metaphysical practitioner with her heart and soul experience and Mother Nature’s wisdom. Holding a master’s degree and certifications in Metaphysical Science, Spiritual Counselling, Relaxation and Journal Therapy, she is committed to guiding people towards living authentically and uncovering who and what they truly are. Join her in embracing a life enriched by self-knowledge, self-transformation, and, most importantly, self-Love.

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